Attention:  We have moved three doors down to 2409 15th Street, to a newly remodeled spot. Hope to see you soon!

Conditions Treated

When you have an eye condition that needs to be monitored and treated, you need to see the optometrist regularly. Call our optometry center in Sacramento, CA, to get the eye care you need and to have your eye condition treated. We at Kubo Optometry are here to help. Here are some of the conditions that we can treat.

Eyelid Drooping

Sometimes, the upper eyelid will start to droop, and that can affect your vision. Many people are also unhappy with the way that it looks. If you have this problem, it can be treated with a prescription medication from an optometrist on our team.


Cataracts can have serious effects on your vision, and they often progress over many years. It can be important to get your annual optometry exam to have your cataracts diagnosed and monitored. Cataracts often start out very small and without symptoms. However, this usually doesn't last. The condition will likely keep progressing. 

Dry Eye

We have the treatment for dry eye that can help you. Our treatments can help your eyes to feel and function better but the treatment itself my depend on the cause. Dry eye is common for people who work on computers or spend a lot of time outdoors in the wind. When you have dry eye, it can cause stinging and burning, and your eyes may feel gritty and irritated. With treatment, your eyes can stay better lubricated for better comfort. 

Eye Allergies

If you have allergies that affect your eyes, it can have a big effect on your life. Having eyes that are red, swollen, itchy, and watery can be embarrassing and frustrating. If you want your eyes to feel better, get treatment from an optometrist on our optometry team. There are treatments that can help to calm your eyes and make you feel better. 

Eye Infections

If you have an eye infection, it can cause a lot of uncomfortable symptoms. It can also leave you with blurry vision, burning, and eye pain. There are various types of eye infections that people can get, and there are many different treatments that can be applied to the eyes. Eye infections may be caused by a fungal infection or by a virus or bacteria that gets into the eyes. To have your eye infection treated, we're here to help. 

See an Optometrist on Our Team

When you have an eye condition that needs to be diagnosed, treated, and monitored, give us a call at our Sacramento, CA, office for your optometry appointment. Call us at (916) 443-8034 for Kubo Optometry. We are here to help.

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