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Choosing Between Glasses And Contacts

Choosing Between Glasses and Contacts 

The difference between glasses and contacts often comes down to personal preference. Both items do the same thing, improving the eyesight of the person wearing them, in different ways. Some people chose one over the other, some swap between them depending on the situation. If you live in Sacramento, CA, and need help deciding if glasses or contacts are the right prescription for you, here are the pros and cons of both. We at Kubo Optometry are here to help.

Contacts Are Better for People on the Move

One advantage to contacts is that you can just put them on and forget them. Glasses can be inconvenient to handle on the go, sometimes falling off and breaking, especially when going to the gym, or doing any other activity with a lot of movement. Thus, if your lifestyle involves a lot of moving around, contacts might suit you a lot better. Contacts also provide a clearer field of vision than glasses, engulfing the entire eye rather than forcing your field of vision behind a pair of glasses.

Glasses Are Easier to Care for and Use

Despite the advantages of contact lenses, it might be a good idea to go for glasses first because they can be easier to use. There are also potential health problems associated with contacts. Touching your eye at increases your chances of infecting it. Especially since debris might get trapped beneath contact lenses. If you aren't doing anything that has a ton of movement, you can just slide on a pair of glasses and get back to your day.

Get Contacts and Eye Glasses from an Optometrist in Sacramento, CA, on Our Optometry Team

If you live in Sacramento, CA, and need an eyesight prescription, we at Kubo Optometry may be just what you're looking for. Schedule an appointment and learn whether glasses or contacts are right for you. Call us at (916) 443-8034 for more information. An optometrist on our team is here to help.

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